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Quantum Qun Quests


Quantum Qun Quests


Currently there are two curated QQ quests available based on my heartfulness coaching™:

The first (Q1)
 begins with a soul journey where I hold the “knowing” and allow your soul to journey into the cosmos and gain the wisdom needed to transform your life in this lifetime – then we collaborate to create a life infused by the wisdom which came through – finally, after 3 weeks of telegram support while you integrate and process, we meet again for a final session to envision a future in which you are living the best possible version of yourself, happy, fulfilled, and in love with yourself and with life! 


This beautiful deep immersion includes the following:

  1. A transcendental soul journey in which you learn your purpose for being in this world at this time (alternatively, we can do a spiritually-guided meditation together or an extra coaching session)

  2. Curated activations based on what came through for you in your soul journey or session

  3. A brainstorm session with heartfulness coaching™ (for me, heartfulness is mindfulness with heart🤍) in which we unlock the blocks holding you back from your purpose and help you align with that purpose in every sphere of your life – this is a rapid spiritual alchemy.

  4. 3 weeks of telegram support as you integrate these revelations

  5. Follow up session to set you on your glorious path

  6. Includes FREE access to all four modules of the Alchemy Heart Academy’s Ascension program (see details here).


Limited to 2-3 clients a month. This is a four figure self-investment. Please reach out to apply.

The second (Q2) is a more concise shorter session and includes steps 3-6 from Q1. Q2 is also a four figure self-investment.

If you'd like a customized QQQ, please reach out and I'll be happy to explore options with you!

A Mystical Spiritual Journey to Remember Your Magnificence

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