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ND Certification



It is way past time for neuro-affirming practices to become the norm in society. No where is this more evident than in the life coaching world and among healthcare providers! 


Neurodivergent-affirming care should be the norm but unfortunately, that is not the case. Among coaches and healthcare providers who have the potential to irrevocably emotionally harm someone through sheer ignorance, it is vital that these practices become commonplace.  

For neurodivergent individuals, it is an uphill struggle to obtain accommodations and/or find healthcare providers who have a neuro-affirming approach. There is invalidation, or worse, lack of credibility given to neurodivergent voices. Lived experience is discounted over so-called "experts" in the field. Life is already so challenging in a neurotypical society and this is just one more burden of inequity.


This certification program is an attempt to get this message out into the world. Together with neurodivergent life coach, Danielle Sullivan of, we bring you the Neurodiverging/Mindful Living Joint "NML ND Affirming Certification." This program consists of a comprehensive two month long pre-recorded program* covering not only the lived experiences of neurodivergence but also the neuroscience behind it, as well as practical tips on how to become neurodivergent affirming in your approach to your clients, along with real world examples. Included with the program you will have access to a Facebook group with monthly Q&As. Click below for more details!

*Immediate access to all modules is also available.



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