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Quantum Qun

Qun means to Be or to Manifest
What wil
l you manifest?


About Rabia

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An Extraordinary Approach


Being conscious is being spiritually aware in every moment. Being able to bring our own heartful presence into any space, whether physical or virtual, is how we should always be. Until we come to the realization that we are all part of One magnificent whole, there will always be that sense of Other.


Compassion is what happens when kindness overcomes judgment and when forgiveness meets resentment. It is when the love in your heart overflows to meet those in suffering. The truest sense of compassion is felt when it is applied to those you don't think "deserve" it. They are the ones who need it the most and when you realize this, you are liberated.


Spiritual growth flourishes best when it happens within a collaborative space, not when there is a power differential. In the Quantum Qun world, we are co-creating an amazing future together but you are the one leading the way to your own destiny. I'm just along for the glorious ride!

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Quantum Qun


The QQ trainings/coaching are educational in nature and should be considered as such. It is quite common for deep-rooted issues to come up once you start on the path of personal and/or spiritual growth; if you require psychotherapy, I will be happy to help you find someone in your community. 


Additional Offerings




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Neurospicy App™

& Programs

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ND Certification

For Neuro-Affirming  Coaches/Healthcare Professionals

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QQ Quests

Spiritual Deep Dive Immersions


Additional Offerings



Consultation with businesses, non-profits, and other organizations on neurodivergent affirming practices, as well as mindfulness and self-compassion. 



Private 1:1 mentoring on exploring your spirituality, especially the mystical traditions such as Sufism and/or non-duality. Limited spaces available.



My psychological practice is  telehealth only adult assessment for autism/ADHD for women, genderqueer, non-binary, and trans individuals.

What is Neurodivergence?

Neurodivergence simply means having a neurotype which varies from the neuro-normative neurotype. Some examples include autism, ADHD, auditory processing differences, sensory processing differences, or being an empath. Neurodiversity includes both neurodivergent and neuro-normative neurotypes and is represented by the infinity symbol (traditionally in rainbow colors).

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App & Programs

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Our programs and resources are geared primarily towards the well-being of neurodivergent individuals. Programs are designed to be especially relevant and helpful for people who are neurodivergent by considering unique learning styles, communication methods, and sensory sensitivities. The aim is to provide support, information, and educational content that is inclusive and accessible to individuals with diverse neurological profiles. However, neurotypical individuals will definitely benefit, as well!

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ND affirming Certification for coaches/healthcare providers

Co-led with the fabulous Danielle Sullivan of, we offer this wonderful comprehensive Neurodivergent Affirming certification for life coaches, as well as healthcare providers, who are vested in using neuro-affirming practices with their clients.


Quantum Qun 

These are my primary mentoring packages. Three quests are available: The first is an incredible mystical one month deep spiritual immersion that begins with a soul journey/deep dive brainstorm session, followed by curated activations, 3 weeks of telegram support, and another session for integration.
The second is for those looking for something more concise.

The third is customized based on client desires.

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Happy Testimonials!

Nadia I., USA

Dearest Rabia

I am writing you in a state of deep gratitude as I prepare for my first ever masterclass. After our soul journey, I have stepped into my mission with more confidence and a deep knowing of who I am and what I’m here to share. It’s like a veil has been lifted from my eyes as I witness myself effortlessly making moves that align with my higher self and mission. 


Forever grateful



“Dull is the common earth that does not hear this song;

Tasteless is the soul that doesn't know the pleasure of the truth.

I must keep silent. Silent.

And let love describe itself;

a happy, life-cherishing description that will never end.”  

~Rumi (tr. by Helminski)

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Getting In Touch With Me!

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QQ Collective

A Facebook group for resources and community founded in love, compassion, and joy. Geared towards the neurodivergent community but everyone is welcome!

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DISCLAIMER: All content on this website is for informational purposes only and does not substitute for medical advice. For medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, please consult a medical professional or healthcare provider. All opinions are the authors’ own. We and our collaborators are not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information on our site.

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